Rohi Services
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Manpower Placement and Support
ROHI has a unit specializing in Manpower Placement and Support which cuts across the oil and gas industry value chain, through exploration, asset development-drilling and reservoir management, production, including the development of production facilities, refining, primary distribution and terminalling.
We are able to supply multi-discipline project teams cutting across all these areas depending on the phase of client projects.
We guarantee rapid turnaround time, from initial identification of Client’s specific search need, to actual placement of contractors on the work site.
We are able provide the following skilled labor force with local and international certification and experience;
- Certified Welders
- Electricians
- Machine Operators
- Engineers
- Accountants
- Procurement Professionals
- Mechanics/Technicians
- Drivers for both light and heavy trucks among others….

Effective Support Services
Beyond hiring and placement of personnel, we also provide cost effective support services such as;
- Accommodation and Hoteling
- Immigration and Consular services
- Travel and ticketing
- Transportation Services
- Medical Registration and Evacuation
Manpower Training Services
- Project Management and QA/QC Training
- Multi-discipline Engineering Training
- Basic/Advanced Engineering and Software Training
- FPSO Project Delivery Training
- Provision of Highly Technical Manpower (incl. Expats)
Why Choose Us?
ROHI prides itself in being among the few Ugandan indigenous companies that have had a chance to actively participate for the Oil & Gas Industry.
Dedicated Team
True Partners
Global Know-How
Local Knowledge
Projects in the field

Office Set-up/IT Infrastructure
We are proud to have partnered with CNOOC Uganda and carry out several constrcution, renovation works and construction. This project includes office set-up, partioning, IT cable management and equipment replacement works.
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